Archive for January, 2017
Changes on Horizon for Cotton Quality Insurance Provisions for Farmers
USDA RMA is working with the National Cotton Council to make changes to cotton crop insurance for farmers who suffer quality losses but not yield losses.
2017 County Meetings for Cotton Production
The 2017 meeting season is upon us.
Trump Picks Perdue for Agriculture Secretary, Ending Historically Long Search
Trump will nominate for agriculture secretary former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue…
Auxin Herbicide Training Now Mandatory in North Carolina
The training will be held in conjunction with the upcoming winter cotton and soybean meetings ….
Engenia Registered for Dicamba-Tolerant Cotton and Soybean (York)
BASF received EPA registration for Engenia herbicide, including supplemental labeling for use on DT (dicamba-tolerant) cotton (XtendFlex) and soybean (Roundup Ready 2 Xtend), on December 20, 2016.