Archive for August, 2016
Trying to Delay Troubling Herbicide Resistance in North Carolina
The best time to control Palmer Amaranth is when it is small, less than two inches tall.
Managing Bollworms in Bt Cotton Through Season’s End
We have had an extraordinary year for bollworms in Bt cotton…
Monsanto’s Climate Corp. Unit to Build Farm-Sensor Network
Climate Corp plans to create first network of in-field sensors to relay data on crop conditions back to farmers.
Cotton Council delegation hears praise for U.S. cotton quality
China likes U.S. cotton. They appreciate the quality, and they would buy more….
Insecticide spray considerations for worms in cotton, sorghum and soybean
“I have heard a lot of concern about worms…” Dr. Dominic Reisig
GMO Labeling Bill Signed Into Law
Obama Signs GMO Labeling Bill into law….