Archive for August, 2012
The Ag Minute: Long Term Estate Tax Reform Needed to Protect the Tradition of Family Farms
The time is now for a permanent, sustainable solution to the estate tax.
Romney announces Farmers and Ranchers coalition
Mitt Romney unveiled members of the “Farmers and Ranchers for Romney” team today, including several secretaries of agriculture and current members of Congress who are supporting his presidential race.
Farm business good in North Carolina, but challenges remain
Agriculture is booming in North Carolina and Commissioner of Agriculture Steve Troxler is proud to point that out.
Far West cotton producers visiting North Carolina
Ten Arizona and California cotton producers will see cotton operations in North Carolina on Aug. 6-9 as part of the NCC’s 2012 Producer Information Exchange program (PIE).
Cotton’s Image Suffers from Confusion about Sustainability
It’s critical that sustainability improvements get the attention they deserve, and that we continue to address incorrect and misleading facts about cotton.