Archive for April, 2016
Sure, big data is cool; but can it make you money?
Value in collecting data to make decisions that increase productivity and decrease input costs may be worth $45 an acre.
N.C. State wants to open $160 million plant science complex by 2020
The North Carolina plant sciences initiative received a big boost on March 15 when North Carolina voters approved a $2 billion bond package….
Cotton Planting Conditions April 26, 2016
Conditions continue to look pretty good for cotton planting.
Can 30,000 Cotton Plants Per-Acre Be Enough to Reach Top Yield?
The optimal seeding rate and plant population for cotton varies from field to field and is dependent on many factors.
More Herbicide-Resistant Weeds on the Horizon?
As we continue to rely heavily on herbicides, we are continually exerting selection pressure for resistance.
Equipment Sharing Has a Real Per-Acre Value Especially Now
How can I manage my equipment costs when margins are so tight?
Not the Time to Let Up on Palmer
Nine years ago, Alan York wrote that glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth had the potential to become the most serious problem facing cotton producers.
Cotton planting condition April 18, 2016
This consistency of decent planting conditions from mid-April into early May is unusual.
USDA Announces 2016 Cotton Loan Rate Differentials
Farm Service Agency (FSA) announces the 2016-crop loan rate differentials for upland and extra-long staple cotton.
‘Sustainability’ Authors Show Little Understanding of Real Farm Work
I’ve been trying for years to figure out why activists make such nonsensical statements about technology they know so little about…