Archive for April, 2015
Chemical, fertilization through pivot system and rate example
One of the most daunting tasks in using a center pivot for chemigation or fertigation is calculating the injection rate of the fertilizer or chemical.
Growers often ask if small seeds are as capable of producing good stands as larger seeds.
Time of day matters with Gramoxone burndown
Time of day can has a big effect on the performance of herbicides like Gramoxone and Liberty.
International Team Cracks Genetic Code of Upland Cotton
The intricately woven genetic makeup of Upland cotton has been decoded for the first time in the ancient plant’s history.
Cotton Incorporated Launches New Television Commercials
The latest “Fabric of Our Lives” promotional commercials launch in primetime network television April 20 with a new tagline that reminds consumers “Cotton. It’s Your Favorite for a Reason.”
USDA Announces 2015 Cotton Loan Rate Differentials
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) has announced the 2015-crop loan rate differentials for upland and extra-long staple cotton.
Choose Proper Seeding Rate for Optimum Plant Populations
With cotton planting ready to begin, it’s important for growers to keep the difference between seeding rates and plant populations in mind.
Cotton starter fertilizer: In-furrow or 2×2 placement?
Due to the widespread use of Admire Pro in-furrow for thrips control, there has been a noticeable and increasing interest in applying starter fertilizers in-furrow as well.
FAA Drone Approvals Have Skyrocketed
The agriculture industry is expected to capture as much as 80% of all commercial use as this emerging technology advances.
(NC) Producers working on burndown in a time crunch
With a couple of weeks of dry, warm weather, Dr. Alan York, weed science professor emeritus with NC State says producers have been working on burndown, albeit a little late due to very wet early March: |