Programs for Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Roundup Ready Cotton (Coastal Plain)
Programs for Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Roundup Ready Cotton – Coastal Plain
No-Till or Strip-Till RRF Cotton |
Preplant Burndown1 |
Preemergence |
POST 1 (1-leaf cotton)2 |
POST 2 (5- to 7-leaf cotton)2 |
Layby3 |
Option 1 |
Glyphosate + Valor + 2,4-D or Clarity |
Gramoxone + diuron + Prowl or Gramoxone + Cotoran + Prowl |
glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant (no Palmer emerged) |
Glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, or Suprend |
glyphosate + Staple4 (Palmer 1” or less) |
Option 2 |
Glyphosate + Valor + 2,4-D or Clarity |
Gramoxone + diuron + Staple4 or Gramoxone + Cotoran + Staple4 |
glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant
Glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, or Suprend |
Option 3 |
Glyphosate + diuron + 2,4-D or Clarity |
Gramoxone + Reflex + Prowl |
glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant (no Palmer emerged) |
Glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, Suprend, or Valor |
glyphosate + Staple4 (Palmer 1” or less) |
Option 4 |
Glyphosate + diuron + 2,4-D or Clarity |
Gramoxone + Reflex + Staple4 + Prowl |
glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant
Glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, Suprend, or Valor |
1 Follow waiting intervals between application and planting as specified on Valor, 2,4-D, or Clarity labels.
2 Dual Magnum may be applied once per season; Warrant can be applied twice.
3 If grasses larger than 1 inch, use glyphosate in place of MSMA.
4 Staple not effective on ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth.
Conventional Tillage RRF Cotton |
Preplant Incorporated |
Preemergence1 |
POST 1 (1-leaf cotton)2 |
POST 2 (5- to 7-leaf cotton)2 |
Layby3 |
Option 1 |
Prowl or Treflan |
diuron + Reflex or Cotoran + Reflex |
glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant (no Palmer emerged) |
Glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, Suprend, or Valor |
glyphosate + Staple4 (Palmer 1” or less) |
Option 2 |
Prowl or Treflan |
diuron + Staple4 or Cotoran + Staple4 or Reflex + Staple4 |
glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant
Glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, Suprend, or Valor |
Option 3 |
Nothing |
Prowl + Reflex + Cotoran or Prowl + Reflex + diuron |
glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant (no Palmer emerged) |
Glyphosate + Dual Magnum or Warrant |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, Suprend, or Valor |
glyphosate + Staple4 (Palmer 1” or less) |
1 Add Gramoxone if weeds emerged.
2 Dual Magnum may be applied once per season; Warrant can be applied twice.
3 If grasses larger than 1 inch, use glyphosate in place of MSMA.
4 Staple not effective on ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth.
Programs for Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Glufosinate-Tolerant Cotton – Coastal Plain
No-Till or Strip-Till Cotton Glufosinate-Tolerant Cotton1 |
Preplant Burndown2 |
Preemergence |
POST 1 (1-leaf cotton)3 |
POST 2 (5- to 7-leaf cotton)3 |
Layby4 |
Option 1 |
Glyphosate + Valor + 2,4-D or Clarity |
Gramoxone + diuron + Prowl or Gramoxone + Cotoran + Prowl |
Ignite or Ignite + Dual Magnum (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
Ignite (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, or Suprend |
Option 2 |
Glyphosate + Valor + 2,4-D or Clarity |
Gramoxone + diuron + Staple5 or Gramoxone + Cotoran + Staple5 |
Ignite or Ignite + Dual Magnum (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
Ignite (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, or Suprend |
Option 3 |
Glyphosate + diuron + 2,4-D or Clarity |
Gramoxone + Reflex + Prowl |
Ignite or Ignite + Dual Magnum (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
Ignite (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, Suprend, or Valor |
Option 4 |
Glyphosate + diuron + 2,4-D or Clarity |
Gramoxone + Reflex + Prowl + Staple5 |
Ignite or Ignite + Dual Magnum (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
Ignite (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, Suprend, or Valor |
1 If Ignite herbicide is applied to a Phytogen WRF cotton, grower assumes all liability for crop injury.
2 Follow waiting intervals between application and planting as specified on Valor, 2,4-D, or Clarity labels.
3 Apply Ignite 280 at 29 fl oz/acre on Phytogen WRF cotton. Make only two applications on Phytogen WRF cotton, and do not apply overtop after the 7-leaf stage of cotton. Higher rates are permitted on LibertyLink cotton; see label.
4 Grasses larger than 1 inch may not be controlled.
5 Staple not effective on ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth.
Conventional Tillage Glufosinate-Tolerant Cotton1 |
Preplant Incorporated |
Preemergence2 |
POST 1 (1-leaf cotton)3 |
POST 2 (5- to 7-leaf cotton)3 |
Layby4 |
Option 1 |
Prowl or Treflan |
diuron + Reflex, Cotoran + Reflex, diuron + Staple5, Cotoran + Staple5, or Reflex + Staple5 |
Ignite or Ignite + Dual Magnum (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
Ignite (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, Suprend, or Valor |
Option 2 |
Nothing |
Prowl + Reflex + Cotoran or Prowl + Reflex + diuron |
Ignite or Ignite + Dual Magnum (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
Ignite (Palmer 3 to 4 inches or less) |
MSMA + diuron, Layby Pro, Suprend, or Valor |
1 If Ignite herbicide is applied to a Phytogen WRF cotton, grower assumes all liability for crop injury.
2 Add Gramoxone if weeds emerged.
3 Apply Ignite 280 at 29 fl oz/acre on Phytogen WRF cotton. Make only two applications on Phytogen WRF cotton, and do not apply overtop after the 7-leaf stage of cotton. Higher rates are permitted on LibertyLink cotton; see label.
4 Grasses larger than 1 inch may not be controlled.
5 Staple not effective on ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth.